What are our training programmes?


Human Values at Work
(a one day programme)

University of Southern Queensland in Toowoomba
 Saturday, 12 August 2006
10:00 am – 3:00 pm

Facilitated by: Dr.Venkat Pulla, Social Worker and President, Brisbane Institute of Strengths Based Practice; Rita Kugler, Chartered Accountant/Management Consultant; and Coralie Graham, Psychologist /PhD candidate

Note: the programme is for a small group and is free of charge. As spaces are limited to 20 places, please book by 4 August  2006 by contacting: Coralie Graham  Ph: 041460973

Overview & Invitation

How do you work? How do you view your career and 
your contribution to the world?  Does something require change?

Human Values at Work
  focuses on how you can work in accord with your own spiritual view of life and five Human Values that are found cross-culturally in all spiritual traditions: Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love and Non-violence.


This programme draws from:


Spiritual texts found throughout the world, and inspirational people who have changed the world by living their spirituality, such as: Vaclav Havel, Florence Nightingale, Aung San Suu Kyi, Mahatma Gandhi, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Martin Luther King Jr., Mother Teresa, Albert Einstein, and others.


The practical experiences of business people who are making spirituality the inner context for their work, such as: Joanne Zimmerman, CEO of Kaiser Permanente South Bay Hospital, USA; and Ashoke Maitra, Human Resource Director for a major newspaper The Times of India; and Lars Kolind, former CEO of Oticon in Denmark, one of the world’s premier suppliers of products for the hearing impaired.

Human Values at Work
is based on seven spiritual principles:

·  We are spiritual beings first and foremost… we exist beyond our bodies.

·  Divinity is the very core of our humanity, so to be fully human is to be spiritual.

·  Spiritual values are Human Values.

·  Cross-culturally, all spiritual traditions share five common Human Values

·  The spiritual essence of the Human Values is that “Divinity resides in all creation”

·  An indicator of spiritual growth is purity and unity of thought, word and deed

·  The workplace is an important arena for spiritual growth and selfless service

When you make spirituality the inner context for your work, it can give you a totally different perspective on the situations you face at work. For many people, that “different perspective” has qualities such as:
·   Appreciating the “gift” of the situation – there’s less resistance and more “opportunity seeking” that will benefit everyone involved.
·   Broadening time horizons – it’s easier to see “What’s brought us to this point?” and “What’s the effect on future situations and generations?”
·    Having no attachment to a particular outcome – there’s more creativity and less defensiveness.
·    Rising above dualities and paradoxes – the situation is no longer a case of “win-lose”, “either-or” choices.
·   Exercising wise, heartful discernment – decisions are made with a clear, compassionate mind.

In addition, your expression of the Human Values can assist you to:

·     Open lines of communication, leading to more informed, wise decisions

·     Ensure that agreements are kept, building trustworthiness

·     Focus proactively on resolving issues, rather than reacting

·     Generate a sense of sincere caring in your work with others


The basic programme of Human Values at Work (Volume I) contains three modules:

·     Module 1: You and Your Spirituality

·     Module 2: The Spiritual Basis of Human Values

·     Module 3: Developing Spiritual Integrity


However we are doing an introductory abridged version that combines all three modules into one day programme which lets you try some of the self-inquiry questions:

·     What is my understanding of “spirituality”? What is my spiritual view of life?

·     How would I summarise my spiritual theme in a few words?

·     What is a situation I face in my work that I would like to (a) see and act upon from a new perspective, and (b) gain some new “insights” about?

·      How does this situation look from my spiritual theme?

·      Drawing from my spiritual theme, what are some creative ideas I could try in this situation?

We believe that even this one day intro workshop will let you explore your  spiritual essence, your cross-cultural expressions, and your own individual expressions of the five Human Values: Truth, Righteousness, Peace, Love, and Non-violence. Here you will be able to try  some of the self-inquiry questions:

·      How would I describe my own personal spiritual values?

·      Who are some examples of people who I feel have expressed the Human Values in a cross-cultural way?

·      What is a current situation that I find challenging in my work?

·      Based on my spiritual theme, what would “success” look like in this situation?

·      How could I express one or more of the Human Values to successfully meet this challenge? 


It would be great to do it in a group with a facilitator. Putting it all into practice.

When it comes to  matters like this: we quote  one master’s advise, “start early, drive slowly, arrive safely”.
By end of this programme you would know the real meaning of these terms. Truly it is not going to be about driving a car!

We hope this provides you with enough information to decide if you would like to participate in this free programme. If you would like more information, please contact: Dr Venkat Pulla, who is an experienced social worker and President of Brisbane Institute of Strengths Based Practice,(Inc).

Ph: 07-32195176 or mobile 0422345982 or email dr.venkat.pulla@gmail.com

As part of our first international conference, check out our other training programmes at
